Useful information about development milestones during your baby's first years
Development milestones
As your child grows and develops, you’re likely to have thousands of questions like “when will my baby start walking?” or “when can my baby eat solid foods?” We’re here to help.
Every baby is unique, but the science is clear: In the first 1,000 days of life, your baby’s brain develops faster than at any other time. Early moments matter and their effects can last a lifetime.
Get ready to find out all about your baby’s journey during these exciting first two years of life.
Your essential guide to navigate your new journey as a parent:
Baby's first years - click here to find lots of information on the Start4Life website.
Tummy time - playing requires a lot of your baby's brain & muscle power, click here for a variety of activities and tummy time ideas for your baby on the Start4Life website.
Learning to talk - from tips to help with speech, encouraging chatting and reading, click here for information about learning to talk at various ages on the Start4Life website.
From helping your child learn to talk by chatting, reading and playing together, to encouraging them to be physically active, click here for lots of helpful information on the Start4Life website.
Common illness and support
The Little orange book is full of information and advice for babies and young children when they are unwell.
The NHS website also has a wealth of information and advice on health conditions, symptoms, healthy living, medicines and how to get help.