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Free 'DadPad' app launches to support dads in Northumberland

Family Hubs Northumberland

31 Oct 2023

Photo of a Dad and son in a Family Hub in Northumberland promoting DadPad

Dads-to-be and new dads in Northumberland now have free access to the DadPad app to help them give their baby the best start in life.   


The DadPad is packed with trusted advice and support specially tailored for dads to help them gain confidence and practical skills at what can often be an overwhelming time.   


It was first developed by Inspire Cornwall CIC together with the NHS and is now fast becoming the essential guide for dads.     

We’ve worked with the team at Inspire Cornwall CIC to make the DadPad app free for all dads in the county.    

Hard copies of the DadPad book are also available to pick up and borrow from the hubs.     

Feedback from families told us that dads often felt that a lot of the information available was more aimed at mums and that they are not seen as important during pregnancy and having a young child. We wanted to change that by giving them access to a trusted source of information and support that is specially designed for them.    

We have lots of dads who are already actively involved in the excellent activities taking place at our Family Hubs across the county – but we’d love to see even more.     

The DadPad is just one part of our support for dads and male carers.   


Our specially trained Family Hub Dad Champions are also coming up with lots of exciting ways to make sure the hubs are as welcoming as possible to everyone.    

There is also lots more information on the Dads and Male Carers Zone of the Family Hubs website.”

The DadPad is best used as early as possible during pregnancy, around birth and beyond, and provides guidance for babies and children up to the age of two. It’s particularly useful to have during paternity leave.   


Tom Bowes from Alnwick has been coming to Alnwick Family Hub with his son Ethan since he was just a few months old.    


Tom and wife Sarah share looking after Ethan around their work commitments and have found the play groups and activities on offer have created a valuable network of support.      

Tom, who runs Greycroft bed & breakfast in the town, said: “Becoming a new dad was absolutely terrifying!     

“There's very little information out there that seems to be directed towards dads. So the DadPad is great as it’s in a format that makes it feel like it's intended for you.    

“There's so much information on the internet, that you can sometimes not know where to start and just having something that brings together the information and makes it accessible is a great way to give you more confidence that you’re doing the right thing.    

“I find the Family Hub has been absolutely brilliant because I'm not from the area originally so don't have a lot of friends with children of a similar age and it gives an opportunity for Ethan to socialise with children of a similar age in a safe environment.     

“It also given access to courses: health and safety for example and healthy eating and nutrition which have been very useful.”    

Hannah Brydon is one of the Family Hubs’ new community development workers.    

Covering the north of the county, she works closely with the community to make sure the hubs best meet the needs of local families.     

She said: “My favourite part of the app is probably the short videos, as you can watch and maybe do them along with your baby while you are learning.    

“With DadPad and everything we’re doing at the Family Hubs to engage with dads, the message we want to give is that ‘you’re important’ and we want to hear from dads and find out what they would like to see from the hubs as we continue to develop.”    


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