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Survey launches to help set early help priorities for families

photo of a father holding a baby with a mobile phone is the other hand. text reads: we need your feedback! take the survey.

You can complete the survey here: 

Early Help refers to all support and services provided to children in their early years and families across Northumberland.  

It aims to identify and address issues quickly, promoting positive wellbeing for children and families. 


Support might happen through the council, health, education or community organisations to name a few. 


We want to develop a plan for the next three years that looks at what the priorities are for Northumberland families and how we can support you to achieve your greatest potential. 


The consultation aims to collect the views of parents and carers in Northumberland and will close on Friday November 29. 


We would like to hear from a diverse range of families across the county so appreciate your help in sharing this as widely as possible.  


You can complete the survey here: 


Look out for the posts on social media too!

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