Find out more about support available to you during pregnancy
A healthy pregnancy leads to the best possible chance for a healthy start to life for your new baby.
As your baby grows, the foetus is susceptible to the external environment outside of the womb. This ranges from hearing what you hear, consuming what you consume and even reacting when you're feeling distressed.
In this way, the mental and physical wellbeing of mum is important at all times, but particularly as baby develops.
This guide includes all you need to know about trying for a baby and having a healthy pregnancy - view the guide on the NHS website by clicking here.
Registering your pregnancy
Find out how to register your pregnancy on the Northumbria Healthcare website by clicking here.
Registering your baby with your GP surgery
Register your baby with your GP surgery during pregnancy.
The first few weeks after your baby is born is a very busy time. Plan ahead so that if your baby needs to see a doctor or when attending their first check up.
Fill in a 'family doctor services registration form' at your GP surgery beforehand.
Having a baby if you're LGBT+
Your pregnancy care
Read about the scans, tests and antenatal care you can have on the NHS website, by clicking here.